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Online Marketplaces for Small Businesses

With all its faults, it is easy to blame online stores such as Amazon for de-influencing shoppers to buy in store and creating a techno-obsessed generation. What many of these perspectives lack is understanding for small businesses. This is not a sole discussion on Amazon, but Etsy and eBay which are large platforms that are huge opportunities for newer or smaller businesses. 

The Beauty of Etsy

Esty began with 2005 intent to create a platform that acted as a craft fair that users could use to share their designs. From clothing to toys, Esty truly blossomed to have it all. Shop owners only have  to set up an online shop with some simple steps and verification. In addition to its core marketplace, Etsy offers various seller services, including advertising, shipping labels, and payment processing, to help vendors manage and grow their businesses. Prior to 2005, even if people wanted to create their own business ideas, they were limited based on location and their background. Many even resorted to creating brick-and-mortar shops, which often ended up in failure. With Esty, business owners can try their hand in business without much risk. This allows for more creativity to be able to be spared and money-making opportunities for creative enthusiasts. 

Impact of eBay Scopes

eBay has had a profound impact on the e-commerce landscape by pioneering one of the first online auction scenes and creating a global marketplace where individuals and businesses can trade goods. Since its beginning, eBay has since flourished and has now enabled entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses with minimal upfront costs and has provided consumers with access to a wide variety of products. eBay’s innovative approach and continued evolution have cemented its position as a leading player in the online marketplace industry. 

These two examples are only the beginning of the impact of online markets, and this idea extends to newer shops such as Depop, in which sellers can sell old clothes. This holds an impact for not only business opportunity but also an environmentally conscious community. As we continue to develop our technology, I’m certain we will see rises in new online shops with the ability to help and impact someone’s life.

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